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Clickertraining Hund – Die 16 besten Produkte im Vergleich

Clickertraining Hund – Die 16 besten Produkte im Vergleich

Empfohlene Produkte im Bereich „Clickertraining Hund“

Wir haben Produkte im Bereich „Clickertraining Hund“ miteinander verglichen und Empfehlungen für Dich zusammengestellt. Hier findest Du die Top 16 im Bereich „Clickertraining Hund“.

Clickertraining Hund – das Wichtigste im Überblick


Clickertraining is a rewardbased training method that was first developed in the 1950s by marine mammal trainer Karen Pryor. The clicker is used as a marker to tell the animal that it has done something correct, and is then immediately followed by a reward. Although clicker training was originally developed for dolphins and whales, it has since been adapted for use with a variety of other animals, including dogs.

How Does Clickertraining Work?

Clickertraining works by taking advantage of an animal’s natural ability to associate certain sounds with certain events. When a sound is consistently followed by a desirable event, the animal will begin to associate the two and will eventually start to anticipate the event when it hears the sound. This is known as classical conditioning, and it forms the basis of clickertraining.

The clicker is used as a marker to indicate to the animal that it has performed the desired behavior. The click is then immediately followed by a reward, which can be anything that the animal finds valuable, such as food, toys, or attention. The animal quickly learns that the click means it has done something correct and that a reward is forthcoming.

The beauty of clicker training is that it is extremely versatile and can be used to teach a wide variety of behaviors. Any behavior that can be rewarded can be clicker trained, which means that the possibilities are virtually endless. Common behaviors that are often clicker trained include sit, down, come, stay, heel, shake, roll over, and many more.

Why Use Clickertraining?

There are a number of reasons why clickertraining is such an effective training method. First, it is a very positive method of training that relies on rewarding desired behaviors instead of punishing undesired ones. This makes clickertraining not only more effective, but also more humane.

Second, clickertraining is highly versatile and can be used to teach a wide variety of behaviors. It is also suitable for animals of all ages, from puppies to senior dogs.

Finally, clickertraining is a great way to build a bond of trust and cooperation between you and your dog. The fact that you are working together to accomplish something and that your dog is being rewarded for its efforts will help to create a strong bond between the two of you.

What Do I Need to Get Started with Clickertraining?

Although clickertraining is a relatively simple concept, there are a few things that you will need in order to get started.

First, you will need a clicker. Clickers are small, handheld devices that make a distinctive „clicking“ sound when they are pressed. You can purchase clickers at most pet stores or online.

Second, you will need something to use as a reward. This can be anything that your dog finds valuable, such as food, toys, or attention.

Finally, you will need some patience and plenty of positive reinforcement. Clickertraining can sometimes be frustrating, but if you remain patient and consistent, you will be rewarded with a welltrained dog.

How Do I Start Clickertraining My Dog?

Starting clickertraining with your dog is relatively simple. First, you will need to charge up your clicker by clicking it a few times in a row. This will help your dog to associate the sound of the clicker with something positive.

Next, you will need to choose a behavior that you would like to teach your dog. Once you have decided on a behavior, you will need to find a way to reward your dog for performing that behavior. For example, if you are clickertraining your dog to sit, you will need to have a treat ready to give your dog as soon as it sits down.

Once you have your clicker and your reward ready, you can begin clickertraining your dog. To do this, simply click the clicker and then immediately give your dog the reward. It is important to click the clicker and give the reward at the same time, as this will help your dog to associate the two.

Repeat this process a few times until your dog begins to understand that the click means it has done something correct. Once your dog understands this concept, you can begin to phase out the rewards and only click the clicker when your dog performs the desired behavior.

As with any form of training, it is important to be consistent with clickertraining. If you only click the clicker sometimes, your dog will become confused and will not understand what is expected of it. Therefore, it is important to click the clicker every time your dog performs the desired behavior.

What Are the Benefits of Clickertraining?

There are a number of benefits to using clickertraining to train your dog.

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